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Masters of Arts in Education –

Leadership & Coaching Showcase


I chose to concentrate my studies on different aspects of leadership and coaching. The leadership aspect relates to both classroom and other sessions. This showcase will feature different projects that in many ways, led to the understanding and mastering of the subject matter.


Here are some samples of my work that show a few skills that I’ve learned over the course of the Masters program.  These skills are beneficial in the classroom, in the coaching environment, as well as any other leadership situation.

Classroom Management Plan 

Small College Athletic Department Structure Plan

The Learning Society: A Conceptual Approach to Learning using Erin Brockovich

In this essay I developed a classroom management plan for a similar school system to the one I grew up in. The essay was written as I studied and focused on the psychology of classroom management. Being properly organized is critical to formulate a successful plan. Being organized is also a trait commonly found in great leaders. This plan could be useful in my classroom leadership should I decide to become a teacher. 

I created a structured plan for a small college’s athletic department. The plan builds a system of checks and balances that allow every aspect of each athletic program to run smoothly. An important factor is creating a safe environment for all athletes, officials, and fans. The legal ramifications of negligence would be incredibly damaging to the university. An important responsibility of a university administrator is to protect the school. Like many other institutions, all issues reflect on the people in the leadership positions of the organization.  

The learning society refers to the fact that humans learn from a variety of different ways. Students often learn in highly structured classroom settings as well as less structured situations outside of it. The film “Erin Brockovich” is a perfect example of the idea of a learning society. Although Erin was not educated in a traditional sense, she was able to learn in other ways and do amazing things. Understanding the various ways that people learn is important to maximize every learning opportunity. As a teacher and a coach it is important to take advantage of every single teaching moment with the students, even when not in a classroom session. Effective leaders find ways to connect with people on multiple levels. 


Role of a Coach

Needs Assessment and Performance Benchmarks

Imagery Script

Inside Out Coaching Book Review

Coaching Philosophy

Joe Ehrmann’s Inside Out: How Sports Can Transforms Lives is a great resource for coaches and leaders alike. One key takeaway was the importance of getting to know and understand your players. By making that the first step and doing so, I can put players in the best position to be successful. This book helped me understand the importance of being a transformational coach, which is especially critical in youth sports. Coaching the entire person as opposed to simply coaching the athlete aids in the development of the student athlete. 

I completed an essay discussing my coaching philosophy. Many coaches develop their coaching philosophies over the course of their coaching career. I am thankful for the opportunity to begin to develop my philosophy as a player. As I gain more experience I plan to refine and adjust my plan. However, the foundation principles discussed in this essay will always be important in any program that I run. The development of this plan will be critical for future success as a coach.

I explore the very interesting concept of using imagery as a coaching tool to enhance performance. In this essay I discuss different techniques to use imagery and develop a script to use on a group of athletes. As sports become increasingly more popular coaches are looking for alternative ways to gain a competitive advantage. Although I don’t believe that imagery will be beneficial for every athlete, I do believe it can be wildly successful for some. Great coaches find ways to utilize imagery and other concepts to increase the likelihood of success. 

I discuss the role of a coach and the responsibility he/she has to the athletes. A coach’s role differs in each and every situation. For example, a Pop Warner coach’s role is very different from the role of an NFL coach. As a coach, I ultimately want to be the best version of myself and provide the best example for my athletes. When coaching youth athletes the focus should be on development more so than winning. Youth sports should be used to teach participants life lessons that can help them in other parts of their lives.

I developed a fictitious needs assessment and setting performance benchmarks for a football team. Performing a needs assessment will help me gain a better understanding of where the team is and what goals should be set. Goal setting is an important component to being an effective motivator. To set effective goals a coach should have a good understanding of his/her players. I discuss the collaborative benchmarking process and its importance to building a successful program. 

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